Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer 2014 week 3 Ann Arbor

Monday  - lunch at Jerusalem Garden

Bell concert

Tuesday - lunch break at the natural history museum

dinner at Grizzly Peak

Wednesday - lunch break ICPSR, Archaelogy Museum and Angelo's

Dinner at Mani Osteria's with Berlin friends

Iori's gelato

Thursday - Blank Slate Creamery (best ice cream in A2)

Beer Garden with the latinos and co

Friday - lunch at Frida Batida (Cuban)

Six courses in three weeks
1) An Introduction to Multilvel Modeling 
2) Applied Linear Regression 
3) Introduction to Logistic Regression Models 
4) Public Health Surveillance 
 5) Survival Analysis
6) Longitudinal Data from Epidemiologic Studies 
 Seven hours of class, 2 sessions per day - good times

Once a Wolverine - always a wolverine 
(even if only for a month) ... Go Blue!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014